Where was God during the mass shooting?

Where was God during the mass shooting? October 2, 2015

cnn.com oregon shooting

Earlier this week, our nation was rocked by yet another tragic school shooting. A disturbed man walked into a writing class on the typically tranquil community college campus in Oregon and he opened fire. The wake of the disaster has created more debate over gun laws, more fear, and more questions like, “Where was God?”

I certainly don’t want to interject some Hallmark-card brand of Christian cliches in the aftermath of such a horrific tragedy, but I do want to do my part of bring some hope to those who feel hopeless. My perspective on these types of tragedies forever changed on April 16, 2007. It was the day of the Virginia Tech massacre which was one of the worst acts of violence in the past century.

I remember watching the coverage that day with a strange mix of emotions, because while our nation grieved the tragedy, miles away from the news crews and the chaos, I was in a hospital deliver room where our son, Connor Samuel Willis, came into the world. In the midst of death and chaos, God reminded me of the miracle of life. It was one of the happiest moments of my life and Connor continues to bring joy to us daily.

As a Christian, I believe that God is always with us. I believe He works all things together for our good and His glory. I believe the world is broken and one day He will return to set all things right and make all things new, but in the meantime, we must face the grim tragedies of life with the hope of knowing God is still at work even when we can’t see it. We must also do our part to help and protect those who are hurting. 

When things like this happen, it’s natural to ask, “Why?” We want answers, but we don’t always get the answers to life’s big questions on this side of heaven. What we do get is the assurance of knowing “The Answer” knows us. He is for us. He is with us. He will never leave our side. God is with you in the middle of even the worst tragedies. The Bible promises, “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; He rescues those whose spirits are crushed.” (Psalm 34:19)

Maybe all that sounds like “pie in the sky” thinking to you, and in the middle of life’s tragedies, I can completely understand that. I’m not trying to talk you into anything. I’m just asking that you be open to receiving peace and healing from the only one powerful enough to give it.

Throughout history, the people who loved Him most faced death, prison and torture with courageous faith and hopeful assurance of God’s presence in their pain and God’s promise for their eternity. You can have that same type of peace in the middle of any storm. To learn how, check out my post on 4 things God wants you to remember when life is hard (by clicking here).

Don’t lose hope. God is with you and He is bigger than your biggest fear.

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