December 30, 2014

Taking a page from Hollywood's constant ridicule of Christianity, Bollywood has begun ridiculing Hinduism. Read more

December 16, 2014

One thing I don’t have conflicted feelings about is books. I read just about anything I can get my hands on. Here are two particularly interesting Christmas books that aren’t Christian at all. Read more

December 10, 2014

Using techniques that don't work on people who aren't guilty is incomprehensible. Read more

December 9, 2014

In any group, if your sample size is large enough, some of the people will be complete jerks. Read more

December 7, 2014

When I was in college, everyone used to go out at night and walk across High Street to get late-night food. I’d done it a thousand times. Everyone I knew had. Often it was a group of young women, almost all of us white or Asian. We traveled in groups because of rumors that it was unsafe, but we never felt unsafe crossing that street that divided campus from the surrounding city. One night two friends of mine went out... Read more

December 3, 2014

Hollywood loves the Hero’s Journey. It started with the writings of Joseph Campbell, who imagined that all of the world’s storytelling could be summarized into one (suspiciously Christian) monomyth. This has led to a tried-and-true blockbuster screenwriting formula. But not all hero's lives fit the format. Read more

November 25, 2014

I've sometimes wondered if the Ramayana is part of the source material for Snow White. Ancient Greeks thought it was a retelling of their Iliad -- a beautiful queen is captured and a war is fought to bring her back. While I'll admit those elements are missing from Snow White, it has other elements in common with the Ramayana that the Iliad does not. Read more

November 23, 2014

Cleveland Police Patrolmen's Association president Jeff Follmer's response to the shooting of a 12 year old with a toy gun highlights a huge problem. Read more

November 18, 2014

Are the rich our betters? Do we have no right to criticize those with more money than us? Read more

November 17, 2014

Review of the book by Jennifer Grant. Read more

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