July 30, 2013

(Hey! Super Agnostic and comic guru CB here with another two-parter. This one is on consciousness and the afterlife as explained through my geekery! Stay tuned for part 2. – CB.) ADVENTURES OF THE SUPER AGNOSTIC: CONSCIOUSNESS AND AFTERLIFE “No more Magnus… No more!! Logan shall be the last! No one else will ever suffer! You caused the deaths of hundreds today, Magnus – deaths I could have prevented had I stopped you years ago! You have killed too many,... Read more

July 29, 2013

Hey Shakespeare and Downton Abbey Geeks, Want to see the poster and trailer for the new Romeo and Juliet? In case you didn’t know, this one is made by the creators of Downton Abbey?Interested? Of course you are….. Here you go…       And now the trailer……     Read more

July 27, 2013

  If you’re a geek, a parent and a Christian, you’ve probably participated in the  below conversation at some point in your church life (or at least, one very much like it). Friend: So, you’re a geek, do you let your kids play video games? You: Yeah, of course. They need to… Friend: Oh, I never let my kids play video games. I want them to actually do things, you know, like origami knitting You: I didn’t know origami knitting... Read more

July 26, 2013

Adventures of the Super Agnostic pt. 2: The Kobayashi Maru And My Beliefs (By Chris Bowsman. Continued from pt.1.) “I don’t believe in the no-win scenario.” – Captain Kirk, on The Kobayashi Maru In matters of Science, I’m in favor of Science. But, religious aims are not those of Science. To me, Religion aims to explain the truth in ways that are anthropocentric and artistic in nature whereas Science must not and cannot be anthropocentric; though I think scientists can... Read more

July 26, 2013

The baseball world is still digesting the stiffest (and most badass) performance-enhancing drug penalty handed out in the history of Major League Baseball. In case you missed it, Ryan Braun, of the Milwaukee Brewers has been suspended for the remainder of the 2013 season due to strong evidence that he received PEDs from Biogenesis of America, a now-defunct anti-aging clinic in South Florida. Of the sixty-seven major league players who have tested positive for PEDs since testing began in 2004,... Read more

July 25, 2013

  (Possible Spoilers Ahead) Yesterday, part three of the DC Comics Trinity War came out with the release of  Justice League Dark #22 . Yes, comic fans, the DC Universe event keeps exploring the deep philosophical issues we pointed out in Part One: Justice League # 22 and Part Two Justice League of America #6  If you need to catch up the story lines, feel free to click on the links. We’re going to dive right into the story. The notion... Read more

July 25, 2013

(Chris Bowsman, our resident gaming and comic guru, wrote a two part series on why he is an agnostic. Here is part one. -ed)   “Are we not all our limitations?”      – Professor X: Astonishing X-Men: Dangerous   My first rule in talking about faith (or the lack of it.) is “Respect the freedom of choice.” To be Agnostic to me means to realize that our knowledge is limited, and to respect that and work together, like Professor X... Read more

July 24, 2013

Hey Everyone, So, in the past two weeks, you’ve made this blog explode. That’s a good thing, btw. So, we’re going to keep adding content. Because of my pending book commitments (and possible movie releases) I’ve asked one of my best friends and fantastic writer in his own right to be a contributing writer. Please welcome, Mr. Alan Atchison. Too bad he roots for a sucky baseball team, the Philadelphia Phillies. Alan Atchison is a writer, editor, and wannabe baseball... Read more

July 23, 2013

What does it mean to make music with purpose or inspiration in this day in age? On one hand, it can be argued that everyone who makes music is inspired toward some sort of purpose. But specifically, what does it mean for Christians to make music in today’s culture? And what on earth is “Christian music” anyway? And how does it differ from any other kind of music that tries to tell an honest story? And is saying you only... Read more

July 23, 2013

  Hey Everyone, Some you of you know that I’ve got a little bookie wook coming out October 15 called 3 Gates of the Dead. The story is a paranormal/horror/thriller centered around the main character, Aidan Schaeffer. Anyway, to promote the book, myself, my agent and my publisher worked together to put a unique contest to not only promote the book, but give aspiring filmmakers a huge break. The Grand Prize? A three day trip to Hollywood, meeting with the... Read more

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