February 11, 2014

I walk into the department store looking for gloves. Suddenly I’m surrounded by a sea of pink, red, and all shades in between. Everywhere I look there are heart shaped chocolates. I prefer my chocolates to be square, they just feel more sophisticated. But to each his or her own. Some hundreds of years ago, so goes the legend, there was a saint by the name of Valentine, who was imprisoned and fell in love with the daughter of his... Read more

February 6, 2014

We are always on the lookout for good Arabic resources for kids. Take a look at these and make sure to print out some Islamic-themed coloring pages for your kids while you’re at it! Check out these 12 handy tips for eating habits that prevent bloating. Many of them (like eating only when truly hungry, or eating fruits before meals) are found in the sunnah, too. What are some essential books a 4-yr old should read? Check out this awesome... Read more

January 30, 2014

It becomes easy to leave things behind when you move around as much as we do. In fact, we weren’t always like this. There was a time when we laid our heads to rest and thought our pillows would never change. But then one day we woke up and were on a plane flying across oceans to live in Europe, and a year and half later, the Middle East. So as you can imagine, we try to travel light, especially... Read more

January 27, 2014

Images of Katniss Everdeen from Hunger Games rekindle fond childhood memories. I find beauty in watching an archer mount their bow and release with balanced form, precision and calm. Growing up in Canada, I enjoyed many sporting activities. Of all sports, archery influenced me the most. It enhanced mental focus, taught me patience, physical awareness, and emotional control. In many ways, archery prepared me for life. I believe archery teaches competition within oneself. Joining a team offers great lessons as... Read more

January 23, 2014

We asked veteran road trippers what are their go-to methods for keeping children occupied during long car rides. Here’s what they said: F. A. says: “A few years ago we went on a three week road trip across the US with our 4.5 year old and our 3 year old (who was just perfecting her potty-training skills).  I stayed up the night before our trip putting together a large ziploc bag with little random items for my girls and my... Read more

January 21, 2014

I recently moved a bookshelf into my kitchen, so that the children could have easy access to drawing paper, colored pencils, pastels, markers, glue, scissors, as well as all of their school books (you know, in case they feel like doing a math lesson on their own). Drawing at the table has become the go-to activity when mama is busy cooking, cleaning, or just plain cranky. While this has resulted in quite a few unwanted scribbles and way too many... Read more

January 13, 2014

I roll out the prayer mat and place my feet, shoulder width apart, onto the rug. I pause and take a few deep breaths to focus on the act I am about to begin. I whisper Allah’s name over and over again until I feel the tension within break apart, feel my chest expand and my muscles loosen. I make my intention and raise my hands to my ears. Allahu Akbar. I move slowly through the first rakah, praying with... Read more

January 7, 2014

I usually don’t read parenting books. Not because I have anything against them per se, but when I’m not parenting, I’d rather not read about it. Plus, there are so many approaches out there, it often feels like I’m shouldering the burden of cynicism as I approach a specific methodology. Attach, but don’t attach too much for the sake of your sanity. Discipline, but fill their memory banks with a treasure trove of warm fuzzies. Stick to schedules; train your kids... Read more

December 27, 2013

Feeling inventive? We loved these 39 great ideas for cool toys you can make yourself, or commission your older kids to do! Pointers for raising grateful children (despite living in this consumer culture) can be found in this great piece. We loved this idea for teaching children the beautiful names of Allah. It includes printouts you can download to easily make your own flash cards and worksheets. Check out and support this neat effort to produce quality Islamic educational apps... Read more

December 21, 2013

Deep within the depths of the world wide web, a secret power is being harvested all across the United States. The brains behind the operation is Hala Amer, of Fair Lawn, NJ. She is the founder and ringmaster of the Muslim Mom Network (MMN). Founded in 2006 and nearly 500 strong (a modest number by most means) the group’s strength lies in its’ call to action. A young mother in need of diapers? Within minutes, members flock to the internet... Read more

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