The Laughable Egoism of Being “Elected” by God

The Laughable Egoism of Being “Elected” by God January 10, 2009

In today’s New York Times there’s a huge article about Mark Driscoll, head of the Mars Hill mega-church in Seattle.

Mr. Driscoll is a Calvinist. This means he believes that, before they were even born, some people were preordained by God to go to heaven—and that everyone else, when they die, gets shot directly to hell. You’re born either one of  God’s “elect” (cue Napoleon Dynamite’s voice: “Lucky!”), or you’re not. Period. And there’s nothing you can do to change your status in that regard.

I’m sure Mr. Driscoll is certain that he is one of those pre-chosen by God to end up in heaven.

In fact, how much do you want to bet that every single member of Mars Hill Seattle—that every Calvinist in the world—is absolutely, 100% positive that they are among the “elect”?

Gosh, I guess Daddy likes them best of all.

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