October 25, 2007

A dear friend of mine (hi, Steve — you dashing diva-maker, you) wrote to ask how I was doing, what with so much of the area in which I live being on fire, and all. “We east-coasters have no clue as to what you are going through,” wrote Steve. “God has you going through this for a reason, and since you are a gifted writer, it just might be to share your story. Those of us on the outside need to know about... Read more

October 22, 2007

All figures updated as of 5 p.m. PST on Tuesday, Oct. 23 A follow-up blog–written today, Thursday, Oct. 25–is here. As you probably know, much of Southern California is burning. San Diego (where I live) sure is. The fire has so far consumed some 250,000 acres in the mountains and rural areas immediately east of the city proper. It’s pretty effectively shut down the whole city. Highways and main roads throughout the county are closed.  1,250 homes have been destroyed or damaged. 500,000 people have been ordered to... Read more

October 16, 2007

I’m not a Bible scholar. I’m not a seminary student or graduate. I used to work in a kitchen that served the resident teaching priests at a major Jesuit college, but I’m afraid I didn’t learn much there beyond that priests plus college students equals unending stream of exceptional gossip. I am also not a pastor, reverend, deacon, youth minister, Sunday school teacher, small group leader, or small group member. I’m just (alas!) a regular, middle-aged guy who remembers just about... Read more

September 28, 2007

Here’s a short story I’ve lately been goofing around with. It’s called: Fathers, Sons Once upon a time there was a little boy named Oscy McGee. Oscy thought his parents were geeks. He didn’t want to think that –but there it was. “Hey, Os!” said his dad, nudging him. “What say you and I go down to the roller skating rink, and watch the babes strappin’ on their skates? Huh? Huh? Whadda’ya say, big guy?” “Gee, Dad,” said Oscy. “Do... Read more

September 28, 2007

I seem to be suffering from Blog Burnout. Which makes sense, I guess: Over the last six months I’ve posted about 120 pieces here. So I’m gonna go persona non- bloggis until Monday, Oct. 8. See ya’ then! (Oh, I wanted to say. I would LOVE for anyone to go back and read some of the earlier stuff that went up here before anyone really knew I was here. I like a lot of the stuff in “Autobiography,” for instance [for... Read more

September 24, 2007

My wife and I recently celebrated our 26th wedding anniversary. If you’re a single guy thinking about getting married, might I suggest, based on my experience, that you marry a woman who possesses the following ten qualities? 1. So smart she constantly freaks you out with her humongous Absorb-O-Brain. Upside: Hanging around with a smart person makes you smarter. Up to a point, of course. But still. Downside: Smart people remember everything. Pretty mixed blessing. 2. So wise she makes... Read more

September 21, 2007

Here’s a question: What is it within people that makes them so insane to have everyone else be as much like them as possible? What is that? Why do people care so much what other people do and think and believe? It’s easy enough for me, as a Christian, to say, “Well, the reason [we] Christians want everyone in the world who’s not a Christian to become a Christian is so that everyone can go to heaven instead of hell,” but... Read more

September 18, 2007

The other day I read the recent Newsweek piece in which Rick Warren (Purpose-Driven Life—like you didn’t know) debated the eminently rational and mind-bogglingly articulate Sam Harris (The End of Faith, Letter to a Christian Nation). In that “debate,” I thought Mr. Harris waxed the floor with Mr. Warren. For one, nobody out-rationalizes Sam Harris. The guy has a brain the size of Europe—and all of it is connected to his mouth. He also seems entirely compassionate and utterly Pro-Human,... Read more

September 18, 2007

I don’t think it’s going too far to say that my recent posts (“An Honest Question: Atheists, How Do You Process Your Guilt?” and “What the Atheists Taught Me” ) have established utter peace and harmony between Christians and atheists around the world. Isn’t it just the greatest thing? (Um … down there, in the comments section of “What the Atheists Taught Me.” Are you trying to embarass me?) I think that what really turned the tide toward complete peace and harmony... Read more

September 16, 2007

In my last post I asked atheists to talk about their relationship to their guilt. And man, oh man, did they ever respond. Turns out atheists are quite the … cyber-communicators. It also turns out that atheists — or the many from whom I heard, anyway — care just as much as we Christians do about loving and doing right by others. Curse the atheists! Why couldn’t they be the craven sensory-hounds they’re supposed to be? Must they reject God,... Read more

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