On Juxtapositions

On Juxtapositions March 22, 2013


Barry Hannah used to say it was the glaring juxtapositions of the South that made it such fertile soil for writers.

The rich.

The poor.

The black.

The white.

I think about what Barry said all the time.

Juxtapositions abound.

That has never been more obvious to me than as someone who teaches First Amendment Rights.

How is it that the same nation and legal system that wrongly and grievously allowed for students at UC Davis to be wickedly pepper-sprayed for peaceably protesting — something I don’t think any of us do enough of these days given all the wrongs worth protesting about…


Be the same nation, the same legal system that then allows Ohio school shooter TJ Lane to mockingly wear a shirt that said “KILLER” before the victims families in a court hearing this week where God, the judge and a roomful of people sworn to uphold the law did nothing, not even when TJ Lane then said to those same families such vile things that I won’t print them, altho, you can watch the video yourself


TJ Lane earned himself a first-class, one-way ticket to the local lock-up. Three life sentences. Room and board. The best defense tax monies can buy, for endless appeals.

And the real irony?

Some of those tax dollars that support TJ Lane will undoubtedly come from the family members of the victims.



And Evil.


And Satan.


And not praying.

Remaining silent in the face of wrongdoing

Or speaking out. 




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