Nov 6: My One Sentence Bible

Nov 6: My One Sentence Bible November 6, 2009

What is My One Sentence Bible?

Before I post today’s One Sentence Bible from Lamentations, please pray with me about my wife Brenda, and her job. Her company is making some really big decisions about their future which will not only make a huge impact on the company and Brenda, but also potentially on the work of The Marin Foundation. That is all I am going to say for now, but please pray that the Lord’s will be done as He deems worthy. Thank you.

11-6-09:  Who are your real allies, the ones you turn to when you need them the most—are they human or divine? Be careful with that answer. Lamentations 1:19

Of all that is destroyed, personal or professional, with no way out of the pain, we must continue hoping for hope to see God’s faithfulness through it all. Lamentations 3:19-29 

Much love.

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