Arguing is Pointless

Arguing is Pointless February 10, 2011

Peter Bregman writes a weekly column called How We Work at Harvard Business and is a regular contributor at CNN.  He speaks, writes, and consults about how to lead and how to live. He is the CEO of Bregman Partners, Inc., a global management consulting firm, and advises CEOs and their leadership teams. You can sign up to be notified when he writes a new article.  Bregman is the author of Point B: A Short Guide To Leading a Big Change and the forthcoming 18 Minutes: Find Your Focus, Master Distraction, and Get the Right Things Done to be published in September. Peter can be reached at

Originally Published in Harvard Business Review

It was lunchtime and the seven of us — two kids and five adults — would be in the car for the next three hours as we drove from New York City to upstate Connecticut for the weekend.

We decided to get some takeout at a place on the corner of 8th and Broadway. I pulled along the curb and ran in to get everyone’s orders.

In no time, Isabelle, my eight year old, came running in the restaurant.

Daddy! Come quick! The police are giving you a ticket!

I ran outside.

“Wait, don’t write the ticket, I’ll move it right away,” I offered.

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Much love.

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