Faggot is Still Alive

Faggot is Still Alive August 31, 2011

Life in Boystown: As all of you probably know I live in the LGBT neighborhood of Chicago called Boystown, It’s where my friends live, it’s where I hang out, it’s where I go out to eat, where I go to the bank, work out, go grocery shopping and where I get my hair cut. These are the stories of my everyday experiences in the neighborhood.

I was walking the other day to get my haircut. My stylist, and the owner of the shop, were hanging outside the shop talking. As I approached them I gave them each a hug. At the time of the hug to the final person a truck slowed down right in front of us. 3 construction workers leaned out the windows and yelled:


Then the truck’s wheels started squealing and it sped off.

Classy. And cowardly.

Faggot is still alive. Don’t think it’s not.

Much love.


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