Saturday Link Love: Donald Trump, Slave Movies, and Sharenting

Saturday Link Love: Donald Trump, Slave Movies, and Sharenting October 8, 2016

Saturday Link Love is a new feature where I collect and post links to various articles I’ve come upon over the past week. Feel free to share any interesting articles you’ve come along as well! The more the merrier.

Stop Calling Donald Trump a Child, on Unfundamentalist Parenting—“Children are better than the stereotypes we reduce them to in order to insult others.”

I’m So Damn Tired of Slave Movies, on Jezebel—“It’s obvious at this point that Hollywood has a problem with only paying attention to non-white people when they’re playing a stereotype.”

Protecting Kids in an Age of “Sharenting”, on The Atlantic—“Parents who post regularly can talk about the internet with their children and should ask young children if they want friends and family to know about the subject matter being shared.”

I’m sorry that’s all I’ve got, but I’ve been blogging on a lot of articles and things I see this week, so everything else I’ve shared in some fashion or another. It feels like these weeks leading up to the election are getting progressively harder.

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