Reader You Prayed for and Helped Recently has Exciting News!

Reader You Prayed for and Helped Recently has Exciting News! August 12, 2015

She writes:

You’re not going to believe this, and I”m going to ask to you ask your network for prayers. I have a third interview on Friday and all goes well (why wouldn’t it?) I would start work on Tuesday. This isn’t just a “job,” it’s actually *resuming my career.* I can hardly believe it and thank you all because you’ve been instrumental in my journey toward recovery from the soup-kitchen poverty and mentality.

Glory to God in the highest through our Lord Jesus Christ! Father, give her that job at a living wage and help her recover and pay it forward to the next person in need she meets. Mother Mary and St. Joseph, pray for her and obtain this job for her. We ask all this through Christ our Lord. Amen!

Also in the “Way to go with the prayers Team!” department, another reader writes:

Thank you for praying and posting prayers for my brother. He is in remarkably better condition today and will be discharged from the hospital. Doctors do not know what caused his pain or lead to its abatement. Thanks to all who interceded on his behalf and thanks to God.

Thanks be to God through our Lord Jesus Christ!

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