September 1, 2016

The owners of my localish Witch-shop asked me the other day if I would teach a Wicca class. If are familiar with this blog then you know that I have serious reservations about teaching the Craft in public, especially if money is involved. There are a lot of people in my area who charge for Witchcraft classes, I’m not one of them. I’m perfectly OK with charging for a Horned God class, or even a lecture on Drawing Down the... Read more

August 30, 2016

Thoughts on the Roman Baths in the English village of Bath. Plus Roman gods and the joys of long airplane flights! Read more

August 29, 2016

Wonder Woman might be "the best" Pagan superhero. Read more

August 25, 2016

I was asked the other day about what exactly I (and many other Americans) mean when we talk about the Pagan Community. It's a good question, and one that has a lot of layers . Read more

August 22, 2016

There are dead ends in the Pagan Community, and I count racist and transphobic groups among those dead ends. Read more

August 17, 2016

One of the things that makes "the moments" in Paganism so special is that they often happen when we aren't looking. I don't think we get to dictate terms with the divine, which is what makes it so much more special when it chooses to show up. Read more

August 8, 2016

How do I know when someone's a polytheist? When they believe in many gods, are open to experiencing them, and revel in the joy others feel when deity reaches out or calls to folks. Read more

August 4, 2016

My childhood was full of things that would serve as a sort of prelude to my life today, and many of the things I read in elementary school have impacted me as an adult Pagan. Read more

August 1, 2016

Why do things go viral online, and just how easy is it to get fooled by websites? Read more

July 28, 2016

I love experiencing my deities as they were worshipped in the past, but they most resonate with me because they inhabit many different worlds. They live in the past, present, and future. Read more

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