I’ll be back…

I’ll be back… July 9, 2010

I’m having a great summer, I hope you are too!
With a funeral and wedding and family time (as well as incredible weather) I have not found the time to write. Well, other than writing one-liners in Google Docs to remind myself of all my fantastic ideas.
I am so glad that I started this blog last fall, it has helped me to vent, sort my thoughts, and to my surprise even make some friends! I am honored that people actually want to read what I write, but in the end, I try to remember that my blog is really just for me. That way I can continue to enjoy writing and not have it turn into one more thing on my to-do list.
Since I love (love!) to write, I can promise you that I will be back (probably sometime next week) and that I will probably write way more consistently when winter is trapping us all indoors.
Thanks everyone for your encouragement!

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