Santa’s Elves, Revealed

Santa’s Elves, Revealed January 3, 2013

I enjoyed this description of a community of nuns from Margarita Mooney: 

“What is life like inside of a convent? First, to be clear, these sisters are not monastic–they have a calling to work in the world, teaching catechism, running schools and hospitals. Their home was built as a monastery for cloistered nuns who never left the walls. But today’s religious vocations – the relatively few we have in the Catholic Church compared to previous generations – tend to be more like the Servants of the Lord and do corporal and spiritual works of mercy, fortified by vows of obedience, poverty and celibacy, solidified by community life, daily prayers, and intense spiritual direction.”

“What most struck me was the joy the sisters have–joy in sacrifice and joy in serving others. I literally felt like I was surrounded by 80 of Santa’s elves who were joyfully cooking, sewing, praying and ready to jump and do anything to make me comfortable, or just chat with me over a cup of coffee and some stale bread served with love.”

Read the rest.  Turns out, Santa’s elves were nuns all along.  Who’d’a thunk?

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