Speaking of Bigots and Discrimination ….

Speaking of Bigots and Discrimination …. April 7, 2015

Photo Source: Flickr Creative Commons by Ed Uthman https://www.flickr.com/photos/euthman/
Photo Source: Flickr Creative Commons by Ed Uthman https://www.flickr.com/photos/euthman/

Pardon me folks, but the bigotry and discrimination shoe is on the other foot.

Christian bashing is the way of the world these days. Biased anti-Christian media, attacks on Christians’ fundamental First Amendment rights, and a constant drumbeat of hate tropes from the Christian-bashers in the blogosphere create a climate of hate.

Mark Shea covers this story so well that I have no need to improve.

Check out Who’s going to Walkerton, IN to burn down #memoriespizza w me? 

Also, take a look at Left’s Homosexual Campaign. Not About Freedom, But Delegitimization and Annihilation of Christianity.  I don’t like the demonization of the gay rights movement in this article, but I do agree that the legitimate cause of human rights for gay people is being mis-used as a means of attacking Christianity and attempting to limit the equally legitimate rights to free exercise of religion of Christians. I think that this is both deliberate and malicious on the part of the people behind it.

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