January 2, 2017

As we move into the winter season, I’m looking out of my office window gazing at thousands of pine trees swaying in the gusty winds. The potent sound of these gusts can be heard swirling around the house sprinkled with the whining vibration of the wind trying to make its way through the cracks of the window framing. The power of this elemental force is so turbulent and it gives me an unsettling feeling inside. I then place my attention... Read more

May 25, 2016

What would your life look like if you were to awaken each morning with the fresh, new eyes of a child? Imagine the sense of wonder and awe that you’d feel if you truly experienced life’s ever-changing diversity with every breath, blink, thought and feeling.  Imagine every cell of your body feeling fully engaged and alive as you leap out of bed to greet this amazing day filled with infinite expression and potential! You are an unstoppable force of nature... Read more

February 16, 2016

Not in a gruesome or fatalistic way, how would you see and experience this day if you knew it were to be your last day on earth?  I imagine you’d see, feel and experience everything in a heightened sense of gratitude and appreciation. Perhaps you’d look at the billowing clouds and the rich blue sky and be moved to tears at their ever-changing beauty. Or fully feel the expansive sense of wonder of a child as she looks into your... Read more

November 15, 2015

We live in a world filled with paradox and dichotomy. Just when you feel as if you have something figured out, you realize that there’s always more to learn, more dimensions than you had previously imagined. There seem to be three camps of perspective related to how we view life. The first group perceives all events and circumstances in life as flawed and imperfect, seeing life through the filter that nothing’s ever right. They might become apathetic or extreme activists.... Read more

October 15, 2015

When you think of Michelangelo, the artwork he’ll forever be remembered for are his exquisite sculptures and paintings. However, there is one particular piece of art that the world considers his masterpiece, the sculpture of David. When standing beneath this grand, chiseled figure, one cannot help but be in awe at the level of detail accenting every muscle and body part. Life emerges out of the stone that gives a sense of soul or essence to the subject. When Michelangelo... Read more

September 15, 2015

Some of us have had a calling since a young age, something that has inspired us or filled us with a creative sense of wonder or fulfillment. Others have felt that creative spark at some point in their lives yet never followed it though to fruition. Most of us were never encouraged to follow our vision, or for that matter, cultivate a vision that deeply inspires us. Vision is an interesting word. It can literally be defined as how we... Read more

July 17, 2015

You’ve likely heard the expression, “It’s all good,” and perhaps a part of you has thought, “Yeah, yeah, easy to say, but really??” Let’s look at the word, Good. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines Good as: bountiful, fertile of a favorable character or tendency suitable, fit profitable, advantageous agreeable, pleasant salutary, wholesome amusing, clever well-founded, cogent true , deserving of respect, honorable adequate, satisfactory ,choice, discriminating virtuous, right, commendable , kind, benevolent competent, skillful loyal,  close free from infirmity or sorrow... Read more

June 18, 2015

Whenever we travel abroad, we place ourselves in conditions that are out of the status quo, away from our usual routine and schedule. Because so many experiences might be different than in our day-to-day routine at home, the diverse environment around us persuasively invites us to broaden our horizons and be flexible amidst the differences in language and customs. If we choose not to go with the program, we’ll likely feel impatient, unhappy and frustrated. Traveling offers us the opportunity... Read more

May 15, 2015

Recently, I was invited to share an intimate one-on-one meeting with a prominent Indian guru. Not something that happens every day. It required flying from Denver to the East Coast, lodging in a hotel and renting a car, all on my dime….but how could I say no!? With little hesitation, I confirmed a date and made all travel arrangements. I considered the invitation a great honor and trusted that the higher purpose of the meeting would become clear and be... Read more

April 15, 2015

There is so much talk these days about the need to practice unconditional love, and for good reason. Our world is full of polarities that foster war, hunger, disease, loneliness, depression, and the list goes on. We live our lives with an unspoken agreement that we are separate from others, and from the natural environment. This misunderstanding breeds judgments within us and toward others. Without a doubt, the world is in need of our practicing unconditional love more than ever.... Read more

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