February 4, 2021

This past week's collection of 4 episodes delves into the Anatomy of the Witch with the Witch Lungs, then exploring the secrets of the Serpent, working with Brigid, and overcoming challenges on your path - all vital tools for recognizing the Sacred Self. Read more

January 26, 2021

This past week's collection of 4 Witchual Workout episodes taps into finding inspiration through symbols, finding the divine within, and seeing it present in the universe around you. Be inspired to move and make magic. Read more

January 26, 2021

From spells of protection to Durga, working with the Honey Bee and the Tarot's Emperor, you'll find strength and foundation to draw upon in this group of Witchual Workouts. Read more

January 16, 2021

With the historical inauguration of President-Elect Joe Biden and Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris just days away, my 1/16/21 "Art of Sigil Witchery" workshop students aided in crafting a sigil to help protect, promote, and preserve democracy. Read more

January 11, 2021

After a holiday break, the Witchual Workout returned on Monday, January 4th to kick off the New Year with focused movement. Perfect time to align your path and create a vision for the year to come!  Read more

December 30, 2020

Last week brought an eclectic mix of presentations to finish off the year: a Light-Bringer's dance, connecting through spirit, sovereignty & sensuality inspired by Lilith, and how to dance a Tarot spread.  While there were only 4 episodes last week, there's a lot to work with on a multitude of levels. Read more

December 29, 2020

Rather than making a static or limited New Year's Resolution, a sigil for the year can help provide you with focus and inspiration, as well as encompass more ideas and possibilities to aid with the changes you wish to see in the New Year.  Read more

December 24, 2020

It has been quite a year, hasn't it?  To corrupt Dickens: it was the worst of times, the meh-est of times, and it was the most curious of times. But there are at least 6 lessons that I feel I learned the most from, particularly in regards to my path and practice as a Witch. Read more

December 23, 2020

The major theme for last week’s Witchual Workout episodes was balance - considering health and wealth, darkness and light. Some really excellent and easy to do movement meditations + ideas for ritual in this group! Read more

December 18, 2020

There is something powerful in a simple ritual that you know many other people are also doing - even if you're separated by time, place, and pandemic. It brings a sense of togetherness and the feel of participating in making a pattern. Here is a Solstice ritual to inspire you. Read more

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