December 30, 2021

Rather than setting a New Year's resolution, I prefer to set the tone for the coming year with a sigil. This shifts the focus away from a single goal or task to a larger theme or perspective to consider to help bring about change. Read more

October 22, 2021

The Ancestral Connection Sigil is designed to aid you in making contact and helping you to commune with the deceased. Read more

October 20, 2021

Someone recently asked me, "Don't you get upset when someone doesn't know who you are or your work?" Read more

October 17, 2021

Waffles seem pretty easy on the surface, but getting the batter consistency correct, cooking it for the proper amount of time, and getting the toppings ratio just right for the perfect bite takes practice. Much like Witchcraft. Read more

September 28, 2021

I am deeply sorry if you received a NON-HAUNTED book that doesn't scream. But I'm a helper and I hate for anyone to feel left out, so I have a created a sigil to help you get your book haunted AF. Read more

September 22, 2021

The Equinoxes always signify change for me. They are points of no return, because you can't stay there forever. You must move on or get buried under the leaves and debris.  Read more

August 19, 2021

The Refugee Safeguard Sigil is designed to help direct aid, resources, and positive attention to those in need of immediate assistance - as well as healing and resolution.  It works well in tandem with other ways we can offer humanitarian aid to refugees.  Read more

August 13, 2021

Today I'm tackling something that shows up in my inbox more than any other question and it comes in the form of either "I dreamed this symbol" or "I drew this sigil" followed by: "tell me what it means." Read more

July 23, 2021

Ritual doesn't have just one face, shape, or form: it morphs to fit the needs of the person, time, and culture. When we get stuck on insisting ritual should only look or be a certain way, we miss out on the whole of possibilities. We can also get stuck more on the process of doing ritual versus being ritual.  Read more

June 10, 2021

It seems a bit ridiculous to still be so deeply mourning a cat. Especially after the last year. But he was far more than just a cat to me. He was a piece of my heart. Read more

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