In sad and solemn remembrance…

In sad and solemn remembrance… January 28, 2009

Andrea Shea King remembers being part of a great national tragedy.

I am always deeply moved by the gentleman who removes his hat and hangs his head in instant and terrible grief.

And in just a few days, the anniversary of the 2003 loss of Columbia.

We don’t remember that one as well – partly because it happened “off camera” so to speak…but perhaps we were still numb from 9/11, too.

I remember watching President George W. Bush speak at the Columbia Memorial and thinking, “this man’s whole presidency is grief and consolation.”

Ed Morrissey has a great post. Having spent some of my childhood in a “space program town,” I can attest to what he says here:

Growing up in the space program, I can tell you that everyone — everyone — took it as a personal mission, not just a job.

Do read it all.

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