You Knew It Was Coming, The Halloween Whore Rants…

You Knew It Was Coming, The Halloween Whore Rants… September 27, 2013

… Brace yourselves, it’s Halloween. Time for the slutty costume rants. In today’s news:

Following accusations from parents that Walmart was sexualizing toddlers by offering a “Naughty Leopard” Halloween costume for little girls, the retail giant stopped selling the item, both in stores and online, on Thursday.

“We apologize to customers who may have been offended by the name of the costume and we are pulling the costume from our shelves,” a Walmart spokesperson confirmed for Yahoo Shine.

“What sort of parent buys a costume like this for their little girl? What sort of mind designs it?” was one of the many critical comments flooding Twitter on the topic this week. Others called it “inappropriate” and “horrible.”

Bloggers also went wild, with Pop Sugar noting, “Halloween costumes are supposed to be scary, cute, and sometimes funny. But a ‘Naughty Leopard’ toddler costume that made its way onto Walmart’s shelves is downright disturbing.”

Outrage! Boycott Walmart! Torch something! Write all the indignant rants!

Wait. What? That’s the costume? Where’s the “naughty” or the “leopard” for that matter?

How strange that so much focus is awarded to preserving our kid’s innocence during Halloween considering all the whorish clothes young girls wear the other 364 days of the year.

That “naughty” little number Walmart banned is actually quite tame in comparison to some of the trash I’ve seen girls wearing to school or church.

Short shorts. Skin tight jeans. See-through yoga pants and leggings, worn as pants for crying out loud. When you stop and consider the barrage of sluttery one witnesses daily the hoopla associated with Halloween costumes seems like puritanical hysteria.

It’s our moral inconsistency that is preventing us from being taken seriously.

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