Call for Guest Posts Next Week!

Call for Guest Posts Next Week! June 22, 2014

I’m soon to be Ireland bound, and I can’t guarantee I’ll be posting from vacation.  Perhaps I could post a picture of some kind of beautiful vista (we’re visiting the Cliffs of Moher — the stand-ins for both Voldemort’s Horcrux caves and, more importantly, The Cliffs of Insanity from The Princess Bride) along with a good quote from whatever Irish writers I’m reading, but I’d enjoy the chance to turn over the blog to some of my frequent commenters.

Please pitch guest posts you’d be interested in writing in the comments, and I’ll get in contact to work out timing and logistics if something suits your fancy.

I’ll be most amenable to guest posts that involve you sharing something you particularly love (a part of your spiritual life, a book or movie, a branch of mathematics) with the rest of the readership.  I’m least interested in straight apologetics (from either side) or fusillades from the culture wars, unless you think you have an argument that the other readers would have been very unlikely to see anywhere else.

I’d like a week of guest posts to wind up looking like a wunderkammer, where everyone participating brings something strange and lovely of their own to share.  Who’s in?

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