September 6, 2016

What makes a woman and what makes a man; what is male and what is female? Read more

September 5, 2016

I've had many discussions with atheists. Well, I don’t know that I would call them discussions, because they usually start out something like: I can’t believe you believe in those fairy tales. Read more

September 1, 2016

Like every other ex-Mormon I know, I lost my faith because I learned something about the Mormon church. Read more

August 25, 2016

In the churches I grew up in, the story recounted in Genesis 3 was viewed as the moment when sin--Original Sin--entered humanity. Read more

August 24, 2016

If someone was to ask me to sum up the message of Jesus in a few words, I would probably quote the Beatles: All you need is love. Read more

August 23, 2016

The black church must stand in solidarity with our LGBT brothers and sisters. Read more

August 22, 2016

I recently attended a wedding where the pastor used Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 as his text to describe marriage: Read more

August 15, 2016

The Love that Will Not Let You Go: Being Christian is Not What You Think is a crystalline distillation of Douglas Heidt's thoughts about Christianity after nearly 50 years in pastoral ministry. Read more

August 10, 2016

For reasons of safety and common bond we spend our lives as part of communities that resemble matryoshka dolls, the wooden Russian toys that nest inside one another, each doll hiding a smaller one. Read more

August 9, 2016

I am a would-be disciple of Jesus. I say would-be because there are some aspects of Jesus' life and teachings that are beyond me, that I don't even pretend to aim toward. Consider Jesus' teachings on money and possessions in Luke's Gospel. Read more

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