April 14, 2017

My faith journey has changed dramatically. Read more

April 12, 2017

The way we talk about things matters. The words we use affect how we view the world and how others view us. The trouble is that human language is limited and trying to use a finite language to describe the infinite is never going to be easy. Read more

April 11, 2017

What better to cement the Church's power and authority than the enshrinement and propagation of the doctrine of limited atonement, together with the assurance that the Church holds the keys to eternal salvation? Read more

April 10, 2017

As I celebrated Palm Sunday with my congregation this year, I wondered: what way do they make, these palms that dance and wave to the sounds of our laughter, joy, and singing? Read more

April 10, 2017

While the doctrine of universal reconciliation has indeed been a minority position throughout most of Christian history, all one has to do is turn to Augustine, a clear non-Universalist, to see how it was once upon a time a rather popular doctrine. Read more

April 8, 2017

Self-proclaimed Christian nation, I wish the lives of others mattered to you as much as Starbucks coffee cups. I know the guy you call savior instructed you to love others as yourselves, but that seems to have become more of a catchy phrase than an actual command to live by. Read more

April 7, 2017

Several years ago, after going through a very troubling church experience, I went through a time of intense examination of what I actually believed. I had come to a place where I needed to figure out if my faith was real or if it was just an institutional construct. Read more

April 5, 2017

Sometimes when I think about Jesus he seems so far away--someone in a distant time and place, more spiritual than physical, more transcendent than incarnate. Read more

April 3, 2017

If spent any time in a fundamentalist or evangelical church, you’ve probably heard some variation of the following from the pastor or leaders: I don’t preach my opinions, I just preach God's word; or, I just want to know what the Bible says; or, I just believe what the Bible says; or my favorite, The Bible says it, I believe it, and that settles it. Read more

April 2, 2017

We are dust; to dust we shall return. In between? God calls us to carry in our bones the light of Gospel justice and hope. Read more

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