Spiritual Lessons From Science Fiction : The Force, The Unknown, Q

Spiritual Lessons From Science Fiction : The Force, The Unknown, Q February 2, 2016

Jedi photo by Phillip West. Text added. Licensed under CC 2.0
Jedi photo by Phillip West. Text added. Licensed under CC 2.0

Like it or not, for many of us today the world of Science Fiction holds great meaning and  true messages for navigating the challenges of tomorrow. This wisdom may come from the Star Wars saga, the Star Trek series, or even the classic Frankenstein, considered by some to be the beginning of the Science Fiction genre. As they say in Star Trek in many ways “Space is the final frontier.” It is the unknown a universe of potential filled with utoptic fantasies and dystopic nightmares.

Much psychic knowledge also centers on navigating the unknown. Those familiar with the divination system of Runes will recognize the the blank rune, Wyrd, as representative of this principle. It is everything and nothing at the same time. Sacred possibility, and potential, in an unopened package is the meaning here. Some tarot decks, such as one of my favorites, The New Orleans Voodoo Tarot, have an extra card in the deck to represent the unknown. In this particular deck it is called the Barons and it’s meaning is an “extreme unexpected turn of events,” for which you will need a sense of humor to successfully pass through it.
Fans of the Star Wars series of films are very familiar with the “force.” It is everywhere, it is everything. It can be used for good, it can be used for ill. If we cultivate it, we can do anything. This is a beautiful concept, and one that the films recognize over and over again. Today I even saw a Star Wars/ Dr. Seuss fusion meme saying the “force is the force, of course, of course. “ This is true and everyone knows it, from Yoda to our newest face of the force Rey. When I was young we were all enthralled with the movies, and frequently told each other in the voice of Obi Wan Kenobi to “use the force” daily. It makes me smile to know that the 5 year olds I know today, still say the same. The truth is there is a deep spiritual concept behind these words. In Afro-Caribbean traditions we refer to this invisible force as Ashe. Ashe is a universal life current that runs through all things. Devotees can align themselves with the forces and

Parallax vs. Q photo by JD Hancock. Photo cropped. Licensed under CC 2.0
Parallax vs. Q photo by JD Hancock. Photo cropped. Licensed under CC 2.0

work to achieve success. For some this may seem a oversimplification, but at the core the similarities are there.
Star Wars is not the only Science Fiction realm that taps into this concept. In the Star Trek franchise we have the delightfully wonderful character of “Q,” from Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek:Voyager. Played brilliantly by John de Lancie, “Q” is everything, all powerful and all knowing. He functions in episode after episode as the great equalizer, who is able to confront people with the magnitude of the unknown.
There is obviously much more to the unknown than I have time to explore here on these pages. Some of these discussions surrounding nothingness could easily be made about “The Doctor” and other Science Fiction heroes. What are your thoughts ? Please post them in the comments below, and do us a favor and remember to share this post!

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