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William Hamblin
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William J. Hamblin is Professor of History at Brigham Young University (Provo, Utah, USA),
 specializing in the ancient and medieval Near East. He is the author of dozens of academic
 articles and several books, most recently, Solomon's Temple: Myth and History, with David 
Seely (Thames and Hudson, 2007). In the fall of 2010 his first novel was published (co-
authored with Neil Newell): The Book of Malchus, (Deseret Book, 2010). A fanatical traveler and photographer, he spent 2010 teaching at the BYU Jerusalem Center, and has lived in
 Israel, England, Egypt and Italy, and traveled to dozens of other countries. You can follow and
 discuss "An Enigmatic Mirror" on Facebook.

Works by William Hamblin
Goodbye to All That
William Hamblin | September 08, 2015
How BYU Destroyed Ancient Book of Mormon Studies
William Hamblin | September 08, 2015
Jenkins 28: THE MYTH OF THEREFORE (Original)
William Hamblin | July 23, 2015
Jenkins 28: The Myth of "Therefore"
William Hamblin | July 23, 2015
Jenkins 27: Bigfoot?
William Hamblin | July 23, 2015
Jenkins 26: Still no Evidence?
William Hamblin | July 23, 2015
Hamblin 35: Time for Clear Thinking on Nahom
William Hamblin | July 22, 2015
Jenkins 25: Answer on Nahom
William Hamblin | July 22, 2015
Jenkins 24: Nahom Part Deux
William Hamblin | July 22, 2015
Jenkins 23: Empirical and Objective?
William Hamblin | July 22, 2015
Jenkins 22: Credible and Plausible?
William Hamblin | July 22, 2015
Hamblin 34: From Smoot
William Hamblin | July 22, 2015
Hamblin 33: Moving the Goal Posts
William Hamblin | July 17, 2015
Hamblin 32: Peterson speaks! -- er, writes.
William Hamblin | July 17, 2015
Jenkins 21: The Empirical Past?
William Hamblin | July 17, 2015
Jenkins 20: It's all Coincidence
William Hamblin | July 17, 2015
Hamblin 31: I am not a Post-Modernist
William Hamblin | July 17, 2015
Jenkins 20: Does the Past Exist?
William Hamblin | July 13, 2015
Hamblin 30: Rappleye on Methodology
William Hamblin | July 10, 2015
Hamblin 29: Rappleye AMBS bibliography
William Hamblin | July 10, 2015
Hamblin 28: Homophony and Proper Names
William Hamblin | July 08, 2015
Hamblin 27: The Entrada of AD 378
William Hamblin | July 08, 2015
Jenkins 19: Book of Mormon Revisited
William Hamblin | July 08, 2015
Jenkins 18: U-Kix/Akish
William Hamblin | July 08, 2015
Hamblin 26: Goose and Gander
William Hamblin | July 08, 2015
Hamblin 25: U-Kix/Akish
William Hamblin | July 04, 2015
Hamblin 24: Question for Jenkins
William Hamblin | July 03, 2015
Jenkins 17: Epistemology and Nihilism
William Hamblin | July 03, 2015
Jenkins 16: Argument Turned Upside Down
William Hamblin | July 03, 2015
Hamblin 23: Great Expectations
William Hamblin | July 03, 2015
Hamblin 22: Comments from Gee
William Hamblin | July 01, 2015
Hamblin 21: Maya King Lists
William Hamblin | June 30, 2015
Hamblin 20: Centrality of Hermeneutics
William Hamblin | June 30, 2015
Hamblin 19: Place Names (Emblem Glyphs)
William Hamblin | June 29, 2015
Jenkins 15:
William Hamblin | June 29, 2015
Jenkins 14: On Faith
William Hamblin | June 29, 2015
Jenkins 13: short comments
William Hamblin | June 29, 2015
Hamblin 18: Why no Inscriptions?
William Hamblin | June 27, 2015
Jenkins 12: Still no Evidence
William Hamblin | June 27, 2015
Hamblin 19: Why Methodology?
William Hamblin | June 27, 2015
Jenkins 11
William Hamblin | June 27, 2015
Hamblin 18: Quantity of Evidence
William Hamblin | June 27, 2015
Hamblin 17: The Debate Thus Far
William Hamblin | June 27, 2015
Hamblin 16: Dear Philip
William Hamblin | June 27, 2015
Jenkins Rejoinder 10: Prove it!
William Hamblin | June 27, 2015
Jenkins Rejoinder 9: He's Back
William Hamblin | June 27, 2015
Jenkins Response 16: Refusing to Read
William Hamblin | June 26, 2015
Jenkins Rejoinder 8: Farewell
William Hamblin | June 26, 2015
Jenkins Response 15: Pottery 2
William Hamblin | June 26, 2015
Jenkins Response 14: The Real Problem
William Hamblin | June 26, 2015
The Divine "I AM": John 8:48-59
William Hamblin | June 30, 2011
Jesus publicly spoke the I AM name of God, and claimed to be God, the I AM. For this,......
"Before Abraham Was, I Am": John 8:48-59
William Hamblin | June 23, 2011
Jesus makes a claim that triggers outrage and anger....
Satan: Whose Father Is He?
William Hamblin | June 13, 2011
Jesus and his opponents debate their spiritual identity as evidenced in actions and......
Jesus' Relation to the Father: John 8:21-30
William Hamblin | June 02, 2011
Jesus emulates the Father in all things, and is thus the ideal disciple of the Father,......
Light of the World: John 8:1-20
William Hamblin | May 22, 2011
The Light who is Christ enlightens individuals, and radically transforms the nature of......
Jesus' ancestry and birthplace are superseded by his relationship to the Father....
Jesus at the Festival of Sukkot, Part 1: John 7:1-24
William Hamblin | April 28, 2011
Jesus celebrates Sukkot and teaches with authority....
Jesus' teaching draws on the temple altar sacrifices, but many cannot accept his words....
The Bread of Life: John 6:25-51
William Hamblin | April 14, 2011
What does it mean to say that Jesus is the Bread of Life?...
The Feeding of the Five Thousand: John 6:1-21
William Hamblin | March 31, 2011
Jesus feeds the crowds, thus placing himself in the role of the prophet-like-Moses....
Three Witnesses of Jesus: John 5:19-47
William Hamblin | March 18, 2011
Jesus proves his messianic identity with the three witnesses required by Jewish law....
Healing at the Pool of Bethesda: John 5:1-18
William Hamblin | March 11, 2011
What is Jesus saying about himself when he does the Father's work on the Sabbath?...
Samaritans and Signs: John 4:27-54
William Hamblin | March 07, 2011
Jesus' conversation with the Samaritan woman and his healing of the official's son give......
Temple or Spirit? John 4:19-26
William Hamblin | February 28, 2011
Jesus and the Samaritan woman talk about temples and worship and traditions....
Jesus, John the Baptist, and the Waters of Life: John...
William Hamblin | February 18, 2011
Just as failure to eat, drink, and breathe will cause physical death, failure to eat,......
Jesus and Nicodemus: John 3:1-21
William Hamblin | February 11, 2011
Breath, light, life, world -- can we summarize the fundamental message of the entire......
John 2:13-2:25: The Purification of the Temple
William Hamblin | February 04, 2011
When and why did Jesus purify the Temple?...
First Disciples and First Miracle: John 1:35-2:12
William Hamblin | January 28, 2011
Jesus gathers his disciples and gives them the first sign of his Messianic identity....
The Testimony of John the Immerser: John 1:19-34
William Hamblin | January 24, 2011
John the Baptist recognizes the Messiah and testifies to his work....
The Word: Commentary on John 1:6-18 (Part 2)
William Hamblin | January 14, 2011
John is creating suspense for the readers, leaving them wondering until the final......
The Word: Commentary on John 1:1-5 (Part 1)
William Hamblin | January 07, 2011
The Prologue to John invites the reader into the deepest concepts of Christ....
Introducing John
William Hamblin | December 31, 2010
Much of what I will do here is to try to approach John, as best we can, through the......
An Enigmatic Mirror: An Introduction
William Hamblin | December 26, 2010
The goal of a pilgrimage into a sacred text is to mentally and spiritually travel toward......