December 26, 2020

Who knows how things will have changed in the New Year when the dust settles. All I can do is persevere. Read more

December 18, 2020

But there is that little girl who still gazes out a window into a moonlit Christmas Eve residing within me. And every year waiting to catch a glimpse of Santa she reminds me ---the magick is real. Read more

December 14, 2020

Long before I understood the "fire" energy at work within the flame. I remember enjoying the ambiance of the candlelight. A sense of "possibility" in the air. That is what candles represent for me at Yule. Peace and possibilities. Read more

December 9, 2020

Focus intention by stirring goodwill and health into the cookie dough as you add each ingredient. Put your magickal kitchen skills to work this Yule. Read more

December 7, 2020

Three years ago, when my family and I began our 3 Pagans and a Cat podcast, we got the idea to start something we call the 3 PaaC Yuleing. Basically, it is a gift exchange between listeners who choose to sign up (penpal style). The participants send their partner a gift, a $5 suggested price inspired by a profile filled out during sign-up. And it has been successful! In the first year, we had about forty listeners (give or take)... Read more

December 4, 2020

Grimoire feels as if it is a throw-away. While it is a fine journal (lays flat so it is good for writing in), it does not fulfill a need better than any other basic journal might do. Read more

November 24, 2020

Because Thanksgiving for me is a food-centered holiday about remembrance, sharing recipes is a tradition I enjoy. So, I thought I'd share one of my family's favorite muffin recipes. Read more

November 20, 2020

My family and I enjoy sharing our multi-path rituals together. If the Wiccan, Pagan, Witchcraft, Druid, and Heathen communities want to bridge some gaps, then maybe the occasional multi-path ritual is a good place to start. Read more

November 11, 2020

The Craft Legacy is a movie that seems to have forgotten its origins. Even so, the characters are likable with an overall story theme on point with today's issues. Read more

November 9, 2020

Many of us have celebrated, dancing in the street. Now, it is time to take that deep breath. Our work as Witches and magickal practitioners continues as always. Read more

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