July 10, 2018

Some of the best magic you can work handles influencing the odds and increasing chances of success vs brute forcing a solution. When is this type of magic most beneficial and how do you take advantage of it? Read more

July 3, 2018

Being able to discern talking to spirits or deities from your ego is important, but what steps do you need to take in order to accomplish that? What should you look for in regards to either confirmation or red flags? Read more

June 29, 2018

Some practical tips on how to manage yourself during times of great stress, especially if you're actively engaged in any spiritual or occult work that is long term on behalf of others. Read more

June 27, 2018

Are you feeling too overwhelmed to get your spiritual and/or magical practices done, or having issues doing them? Is doing work on the regular feeling either overwhelming or not accomplishing what you want it to? Here are some pointers to help with your day to day work. Read more

June 25, 2018

How does one do magic that impacts major world events? Is it even possible, and if so, has it ever been attempted in the past? What would possibly go into such a working in order to guarantee its success? Read more

June 21, 2018

What goes into initiation and initiatory traditions? How does it work, and who can be initiated? Are there circumstances where initiation just doesn't work for whatever reason? And also, can self initiation occur and is it valid? Read more

June 19, 2018

Is technology inherently "unspiritual" or "unnatural"? How has technology impacted our spirituality and occult practices? It certainly has impacted mine, but it's always been a major part of my life. Read more

June 18, 2018

What you think Wicca is isn't all of Wicca, and your Wicca may not be my Wicca, and that's okay. So why exactly is it popular to beat on Wicca in occult forums, anyhow? Read more

June 15, 2018

What happens when egos run unchecked in both spiritual and occult communities, and what can we do about examining our own behavior in order to prevent this from happening? Read more

June 13, 2018

How have ancient Greeks celebrated the summer solstice, and what are ways that modern Hellenists can celebrate today? It's a no brainer to consider Apollo, but there are other traditions around this time of year as well. Read more

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