June 11, 2018

It's time to move on from overly simplistic, black and white notions of what our spirituality and mystical practices are about. Read more

June 8, 2018

What polytheists and pagans need to question, think about, and reconsider in order to better understand our traditions and faiths. Read more

June 6, 2018

An Etruscan polytheist and priestess of Apollo has put her artistic skills to work on creating an amazing Apollo Oracle deck that is currently on Kickstarter. The pictures are gorgeous and have to be seen in order to be believed! Here's more information on the deck and the artist herself. Read more

June 4, 2018

Hekate is an extremely popular goddess with many aspects and attributes, including her role in mediating between the living and the dead, and witches with magic. In this post I'll explore both her ancient and modern aspects within Hellenism. Read more

June 1, 2018

How does one start to practice magic? What should people new to ANY magical tradition know before embarking on the path? The amount of information is overwhelming, who knows where to even begin? Some practical words of wisdom for anyone who could use a good how-to primer. Read more

May 31, 2018

Those of us who are actively involved in our respective religions can get pretty passionate about it, especially those who are newbies to the tradition. So when is your enthusiasm and dedication potentially a bit TOO much? Time to talk about healthy relationships with the gods, our faiths, and our communities. Read more

May 30, 2018

How can you tell if your experience or perception is valid? Is it a deity or is it your ego? No judgment here as we're all human, just basic common sense and discernment prevails. Read more

May 23, 2018

The Orphic Hymns, well known as being among the various sacred writings from ancient Hellenism, are getting a modern facelift from a translator who is also a Greek polytheist. Find out more, plus how you can potentially help get it out to the public! Read more

May 18, 2018

Hellenism, better known as Greek polytheism or Greek religion, has historically been aptly described as a series of religions and religious traditions versus a singular one. Some see this a a bug, others a feature--and I'm with the latter camp. Read more

May 14, 2018

Not everyone was brought into polytheism and paganism via personal experience and gnosis, but for those of us who have, those just experiencing it, and those who are curious about it: what does it mean and does it ultimately matter if we do or not? Read more

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