Tim Keller- at home with Jesus

Tim Keller- at home with Jesus May 19, 2023

Tim Keller has died and passed into glory with Jesus.

Here’s how the news was reported by his church:

Timothy J. Keller, who was the founding pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City, co-founder of Redeemer City to City, and the author of several books, died at the age of 72 on May 19, trusting in the sure and certain hope of the resurrection.

He is survived by his wife Kathy, his three sons and their wives, a sister, and seven grandchildren. A livestream worship service will be held in the coming weeks. More details will be provided here as they become available.

His son wrote

Timothy J. Keller, husband, father, grandfather, mentor, friend, pastor, and scholar died this morning at home. Dad waited until he was alone with Mom. She kissed him on the forehead, and he breathed his last breath. We take comfort in some of his last words, “There is no downside for me leaving, not in the slightest.” See you soon, Dad.

Michael Keller (on behalf of the entire Keller family)

Earlier today I wrote the earlier version of this article:

Tim Keller’s son has taken to his twitter account to let us know his dad’s passing to Jesus is close.

In an age of scandals and deconstructions, Tim Keller has stood tall, firm and yet also compassionate.  His many books will outlast him. The churches he led are in a good place due to transition plans he put in back when he could have simply clung to his previous role.

One of his best books is Walking with God through Pain and Suffering.  He was no stranger to the jouney and struggle he so eloquently described when he wrote those words. He is living it still as pancreatic cancer ravages his body.   I commend the book itself and my summary of it if you haven’t read it yet.

One of Keller’s key points in his book is that suffering will one day come to all of us and we should not be surprised when it does.  He writes: 

No family will always be there. No talent will always be there. Your looks certainly will not always be there. Whatever it is you put your anchor down into, if it’s a circumstance, it’s like putting it into the water. Everything but the promise of God is water. – @timkellernyc


Tim’s son wrote:

Health Update: Today, Dad is being discharged from the hospital to receive hospice care at home. Over the past few days, he has asked us to pray with him often. He expressed many times through prayer his desire to go home to be with Jesus. His family is very sad because we all wanted more time, but we know he has very little at this point. In prayer, he said two nights ago, “I’m thankful for all the people who’ve prayed for me over the years. I’m thankful for my family, that loves me. I’m thankful for the time God has given me, but I’m ready to see Jesus. I can’t wait to see Jesus. Send me home.”

-Michael Keller on https://twitter.com/timkellernyc

Tim Keller has walked a great journey and fought a great fight. Now he wants to go home to he with Jesus and is having hospice care at home.

Our lives are all too short.

Whilst of course we countinue to pray for healing our prayers now focus on praying for the Great Healing for Tim.

We now pray for him to enter the presence of the Jesus who he has served so passionately and taught others about so wisely . I’m sure he will hear well done good and faithful servant. And he will finally be at rest and free from the suffering of this world.

Don’t let anyone dare say Tim’s impending death is a failure of God, or a failure of our faith in praying, or in some way a victory for Satan.   NO, death will come to us all and we must learn to embrace it as part of the jouney of life.

Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints. (Psalm 116:15,ESV)


Read more about Keller on the suffering journey (my summary)

Hope in Suffering

Five Truths about Suffering

Our Culture can’t cope with Suffering

Thinking, thanking, and loving

Weeping is Encouraged

Keep Walking with Jesus


Keep Asking and Expecting


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Keller: Grace Comes Before Faith

Tim Keller on Divorce and Remarriage

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