May 24, 2020

In this article I talk about how difficult it can be to talk about strong emotions when you suffer with a serious or chronic illness. There are attached two short videos by psychologists which speak about how trying to force ourselves or other people to “be positive” can be counter productive. If you struggle with grief, depression, anxiety, or simply concern about a health condition you may find these clips helpful. Or if you are well yourself but struggle to... Read more

May 21, 2020

Dr Brian Koffman is a modern day pioneer, married to Patty who is the co-founder with him of perhaps one of the most remarkable patient groups around CLL Society Inc.. It is an absolute privilege to have both of them frequenting our little corner of the web, and even more so that he agreed to be interviewed (often Brian is the one doing the interviewing). The conversation was deep and rich and you can see it right here on this... Read more

May 20, 2020

I wake this morning feeling very sober. But also very glad to be alive. Mixed motions for sure. You could even say that I was “sorrowful yet always rejoicing.” I hope you will humour me sharing a vide clip of the passage of Scripture that phrase comes from. Sometimes people accuse me of over sharing, if that is true then perhaps so did the Apostle Paul in this desperate yet somehow hopeful passage which resonates with my experience these past... Read more

May 17, 2020

If you are struggling at the moment the first step towards hope is to recognise and admit how you feel. You are not alone as this article from Desiring God shows us: His soul was in such turmoil he could not sleep. So confused and disturbed were his emotions (and the questions that fueled them), he couldn’t capture them all in words. He wasn’t experiencing a generalized, undefined depression. He mentioned no specific enemy threatening his life. The person he... Read more

May 5, 2020

I am blessed to have a number of pastors as friends. South African Pastor, PJ Smyth is one of them. Those of my readers who remember the days of Newfrontiers events like Brighton Leadership conference, and the younger ones who go to Newday will likely remember him fondly.  The man can sure preach up a storm! He was also always one to think practically about how he might help other pastors. So no wonder he filmed these two helpful quick... Read more

May 4, 2020

Not worrying aloud or a shopping list. ‘Not my will but your’s be done.’ (Luke 22:42). That should really be called the Lord’s Prayer, since it was one of very few recorded prayers of Jesus, prayed at the climax of his earthly life. He looks at the Cross, his body and mind recoils from it, but his spirit desires God’s will above everything else. Video discussing this post Podcast This is a prayer of submission, of surrender to his Father’s... Read more

May 3, 2020

  Our buildings may be closed, but the church is alive! Check out The Blessing UK video below – be blessed as you watch it and bless the nation as you sing it out over it the UK and the rest of the world. Right now here in the UK many are turning to God and 1 in 4 of the population have attended an online service since the lockdown began. Hey #newscast , how about covering the lockdown revival?... Read more

April 28, 2020

Here is Bible saturated wisdom in the form of meditations which will help you calm your heart and focus on the presence of Jesus. Today I interviewed Naomi Trenier and Mark Wagner both from the Soultime app. Both video and audio are available. We can sometimes think that we need saving from our souls rather than that our souls need to be restored. Listen to my podcast interview with Naomi and Mark from the @Soultime__app — Adrian Warnock (@adrianwarnock)... Read more

April 27, 2020

1 Kings 17:17-24 On Sunday 26 April my friend and pastor Tope Koleoso preached this sermon online at Jubilee Live. I found it very encouraging and relevant to today’s situation. Here are some brief notes or you can watch the video. At the end of the sermon we sang the outstanding and topical song “Psalm 23” which I have embedded at the end of these notes.  1) Recognise the Mess “What do you do when life takes a bad turn? How... Read more

April 25, 2020

I have read one too many negative comment about the UK government and their attempts to handle this unprecedented crisis. It’s surely the biggest world wide catastrophe since World War 2. And yet some people just want to still carry on politics as normal and score points and talk about “controversy”. It does somehow seem incongruous with the attitudes of the public, and especially volunteers and key workers. We are coming together in a strong sense of community, for example in... Read more

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