February 1, 2012

I’m adicted to media.  There it is. I said it.  But seriously I’ve got a problem. Hulu. Netflix. iPhone. Temple run. And almost every social media tool out there.  I’m addicted.  It’s time to give it up. Not all of it though. Only some of it. Let’s not get too crazy now. I’m not putting away my iPhone, or going to stop blogging, tweeting, and facebooking…  Though I am canceling my Netflix. Reading one of my 12 books instead of... Read more

January 30, 2012

So part of my list of Goals this year is to read a book a month that will help me along my way specifically speaking into my goals and what I want to focus on this year… Just wanted to share the list with you (in no particular order): Good to Great by Jim Collins  Cost of Discipleship By Dietrich Bonhoeffer Total Money Make Over by Dave Ramsey  Steve Jobs Biography by Walter Isaacson  The Case for Christ by Lee... Read more

January 23, 2012

It’s really no secret. I am not a morning person. It’s weird because I LOVE the mornings! It’s by far my favorite part of the day, but the sad part is, I’m rarely conscious during this part of the day. I have no clue what it is about the mornings, maybe it’s how still it is, or maybe its that it represents a fresh start, or that I rarely see it so when I do I’m in awe of it…... Read more

January 20, 2012

I’m remember my senior year in high school we were at a pep rally all 3,500 of us piled into our tiny lunch box size of a gym. The captain of whatever team, walked to center court to pump us all up for that nights game against our schools rival, snatched the mic from the principals hand, holding on to the mic with one hand, and holding onto the front side of his pants with the other. Turned to all 3,500... Read more

January 18, 2012

Since stepping out of ministry i’ve questioned whether or not I want to go back…  I’m not gonna lie. It’s been nice being out from underneath the weight of ministry. I feel normal, healthy… free. When people ask me what I do for a living, our conversations no longer come to a screeching halt. Those who are in ministry know exactly what I’m talking about when I say “weight”… For those who don’t let me quickly explain: There’s no other job... Read more

January 16, 2012

We are not in control. But he is… So everything will be okay. This truth is one of the hardest things for us as people to grasp, to understand, to trust is that…  God is in control. When the apostles were in the midst of a storm, in the middle of a lake. They panicked. They ran over to Jesus and shook him, saying “LORD SAVE US! We’re going to drown!” Although they said it in command form, it was... Read more

January 11, 2012

It’s really no secret. I. Love. The suburbs. I grew up in the suburbs and have never really lived anywhere else, and I honestly don’t ever plan on living anywhere else… But here’s the thing… I’ve struggled with living in the suburbs and being a Christian. I’ve had questions that I have never been able to shake such as: Can Christianity and the suburbs exist together? If they can, then how are we called to live as Christians within the... Read more

January 6, 2012

So, its really no secret, I listen to a ton of podcast’s. I used to listen to more, when i was doing the youth pastor thing, mainly because I had 45 minute commute everyday, there and then back. But most recently I’ve been listening to Dave Ramsey’s podcast (the fiery Christian financialist) As a few of my goals this year is to save money, become more generous, and just over all become more fiscally/biblically responsible. But as the New Year... Read more

January 4, 2012

Would you follow God anywhere? Would you follow God even when it makes absolutely no sense? …If it were to cost you your friends, family, or Job? …Safety, Security, or comfort? Would you follow God if he asked you to build an ark? If he asked you to step out of the boat in the middle of a storm with ten foot waves crashing against your boat? Would you follow God even if it lead you into the desert for... Read more

January 2, 2012

(In light of the new year I thought I’d share a post I wrote a couple months ago, but never got around to posting) I asked a friend the other day where she hoped to be in five years, many hate this question, but I love it. That is I love asking it. Instead of answering it, she threw it back. I didn’t like that. I thought for a second, “Where do I want to be in five years? I... Read more

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