December 30, 2011

I was sitting in Starbucks and a group of high schoolers walked in a grabbed a table together. Six of them crammed around a table built for two. They began talking about the usual high school stuff. You know, sports, chicks, guys, how much they hate Mr. Thompson. I zoned out, but eventually over heard, as the conversation went on, them talking about future jobs, colleges, and hopes in life. In a moment of vulnerability. One of the guys said... Read more

December 28, 2011

I know, I know. Christmas has passed. And this list is coming a little too late.  But still, there are a few things that I have on my wishlist for the new year. And hope to get, and some I know I won’t ever get, that is, anytime soon, unless i win the lottery… But here ya go, I know you guys want this stuff too, don’t lie: 1. iPhone swag- Thought i’d just bunch em all in one. iPhone... Read more

December 24, 2011

Watch these, so, so good. Read more

December 23, 2011

So here’s the deal. I’m only going to blog three days a week now. As opposed to 6 days a week. Here’s why: 1. Quality Over Quantity: I want to be able to spend more time on fewer posts so that the end product will be better. 2. I’m Busy: I’m now working two jobs. While hoping to start grad school soon. So… I don’t really have the time I had to focus on writing six posts a week. 3.... Read more

December 21, 2011

I used to work 45 min from where I lived. I was a youth pastor. Working in a church. I’m never going to do that again. I was not truly a part of that church the 2 years I was there. And to be honest I probably only stayed there 2 years because of the lack of community. (And fifty other legitimate reasons) BUT! This is a huge lesson for me in ministry, and simply in life. Whether or not... Read more

December 19, 2011

I was driving in the car listening to some tunes, when a voice in my head, came through and gently reminded me, “remember that bad thing you did way back when…” Weight. Regret. Shame. The voice went on, “And remember that thing you said the other day…” More weight. More regret. More Shame. We’ve all been here. We’ve heard this voice echoe in the back of our minds, telling us, reminding us of how sinful, how fallen, how broken we... Read more

December 17, 2011

As the season is coming along, and we get trapped in the busyness, and sick from the hurry sickness of crowds, family, parties, and buying of presents. Let’s not forget what this season, what this holiday is all about. Jesus… Read more

December 16, 2011

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December 14, 2011

“If I fail more than you do, I win, because built into that lesson is this notion that you get to keep playing, and if I get to keep playing that means you get to keep failing, and sooner or later you’re going to succeed. The people who lose are the ones who get stuck or fail so badly they don’t get to play again..” – Seth Godin So, simply put, the catch is not failing so bad you knock... Read more

December 12, 2011

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