November 22, 2013

We want water only on our own terms. Assume you do get caught in the rain and get wet. Unpleasant? Sure. So the first thing you do when you get take a shower. Hmm. Read more

November 15, 2013

I'm not a sheep, or the shepherd, or the herding dog, or even a wolf in sheep's clothing. I'm more like a coyote over in the next valley, trotting along, looking for an easy meal. Read more

October 14, 2013

Both bats and pagans can be seen flitting around forest meadows without a stitch of clothing on. Bats are beneficial to the environment, eating tons and tons of harmful insects every night. Witches also work for betterment of the Earth, and we also eat lots after dark. Read more

September 10, 2013

Even those who are familiar with Stonehenge will be blown away by James Davies' photographs. He gets the macro (from a balloon!), the obscure (runnels on the Slaughter Stone), and the micro (close-ups of the sarsens so clear you can see individual grains of sand that make them up). Read more

September 3, 2013

I don't think it is earth-shattering to have received a gift from Dionysus when you are devoted to Pan. Pan, for all the Gods, is hardly one to insist upon patronical monogamy. Read more

August 20, 2013

The combination of some trial runs, an intense spirituality, unbridled Ego, and a limitless slave contingent can create amazing things (pyramids) or incredibly evil things (The Third Reich). Read more

August 9, 2013

Existing in eternal, radial time is hard for us to comprehend, and so some of the Gods actions (or non-actions) may seem baffling to us, in our limited linear-time, 3-D persepctive. My favorite line from the movie "Oh God!" is George Burns' God explaining to John Denver, "When I woke up this morning, Sigmund Freud was still in Medical School." Read more

August 3, 2013

How many Angels can dance on the head of a pin? Well as I see it, we got two problems here: 1), define this term "Angel", and 2), what type of pin are we talking about? Hat pins? Needles? The firing pins of guns offer a comparatively large dance floor, but if you are talking about angels and firing pins, well, then we have a whole other set of issues to deal with. Read more

July 30, 2013

So as I was standing in the middle of a redwood grove, in the middle of 80 cheering celebrants, wearing a bright green corduroy jacket with gold lamé trim, tights, a cutlass and a top hat - right as I was about to kiss my High Priestess, who was wearing a red Renaissance era ball gown, and who was a man named Skot, my mind decided that was the moment to consider the question: What in the HELL was I doing? Read more

July 19, 2013

Bending the fourth dimension to fashion an artificially long day will only create a well along the time space continuum, and in no time (ha - sorry) a starship from some Star Trek spin-off series will appear in orbit. Read more

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