This One Action Can Create a Competent and Confident Dad (Part 1)

This One Action Can Create a Competent and Confident Dad (Part 1) January 24, 2023


Factor #1: A first-time father has the potential for significant brain-based changes  

Scientists studied first-time fathers in the U.S. and Spain, both before and after the birth of their first child. They found a wide array of changes in various areas of the brain, especially those that contribute to attention and empathy toward the baby – and even to better visual processing. (Researchers theorize this improves the ability to see and interpret a baby’s visual signals. In other words, it helps a confused parent better diagnose what a squalling infant actually needs!) 

But here’s the thing. Some dads showed only minimal brain changes, while others showed immense transformation. And the more a man’s “fathering brain” capacities increase, the more likely he is to have greater skill and confidence as a dad. My research has shown time and time again that men care as much about being good dads as women care about being good moms. Most men will want to do whatever they can do to up their game. So here’s the crucial factor that made the difference between whether the outcome was relatively minor or very impactful.  


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