This One Action Can Create a Competent and Confident Dad (Part 1)

This One Action Can Create a Competent and Confident Dad (Part 1) January 24, 2023

It’s no secret that becoming a first-time parent changes everything – social life, sleep patterns, finances, and … neuroplasticity?  

Researchers have discovered that our brains actually change when we have children. So much so, that scientists can tell whether a woman is a mother or not, simply by looking at a scan of her brain! The physical brain capacities for parenting competence – factors like empathy and caregiving – all grow. 

And now a brand-new study has found that the brains of fathers undergo a similar transformation – IF the father does a few key things, which I’ll describe shortly. These brain changes actually increase a man’s competence at fatherhood – and lead to greater sense of confidence.  

Part 1 of this blog will describe the key factors that matter, and Part 2 will share key steps (for both dads and moms) that unlock this new superpower.  

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