What Hollywood Gets Wrong about Sex– and What Couples Can Do Right

What Hollywood Gets Wrong about Sex– and What Couples Can Do Right February 9, 2023

You giggled about it in middle school, read about it in books, and have seen it implied or portrayed countless times on-screen. And your mind and heart have absorbed dozens of myths about sex in the process. Some of these misconceptions are relatively harmless (stock up on those oysters!) – but some are keeping you from the delightful, playful, intimate life you long for.

And you don’t even realize it.

After three years of research for our brand-new book, Secrets of Sex & Marriage, coauthored with renowned sex therapist Dr. Michael Sytsma, we have identified  what Hollywood – and your friend in the locker room – gets most wrong about sex. And what you can do right.

These fascinating truths won’t solve big, specialized problems. But in many, many cases, they will improve your relationship, your connection, and make those specialized problems much easier to solve … together. Read on to debunk five of the damaging myths we uncovered, and begin to move toward another to create the intimacy you’ve always wanted.

And if you are curious about what else we found, including the surprising findings of our research study, get our new book!

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