What Hollywood Gets Wrong about Sex– and What Couples Can Do Right

What Hollywood Gets Wrong about Sex– and What Couples Can Do Right February 9, 2023

Myth: Other people aren’t dealing with what we’re dealing with.

 Truth: You are not alone.

 It is so easy to feel isolated in this area. Our intimate relationship is one of the only areas of life about which we rarely talk to anyone else. As one male ministry leader told me, “Because of my role, I’m in several men’s groups. We get pretty close and share a lot. But on this topic – no. A guy might get transparent enough to say, ‘We’re not having much sex’ … but that’s about it. He won’t go any deeper. That isn’t ‘talking about it.’ And because we don’t talk about it, we have no grid for what else is going on out there – other than what we see on TV, which often does not match our experience! This is one of the most important issues in marriage, and it is also the one in which we can feel the most frustrated and alone.”

Here’s the good news: You are not alone. In our research, 98% of respondents in one nationally-representative survey revealed one or more meaningful issues that impact a couple’s sex life – dissatisfaction with frequency, sexual pain, communication difficulties, different levels of desire, porn use, medical issues like ED, and many other common concerns. Nearly everyone has something. If you have a concern, you can reach out to a medical professional, pastor, or friend, knowing that the professionals have heard it all before and the friend has probably navigated something in their own marriage.

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