8 Relationship Roadblocks that Sabotage Young Couples – Part 2

8 Relationship Roadblocks that Sabotage Young Couples – Part 2 March 21, 2023

This is Part 2 of a three-part series for young twenty-something couples pondering marriage – and those who love them. Please pass Part 1 and this Part 2 along to someone who needs it and encourage them to sign up for this blog to see Part 3 as well.

I want to tell you about two young couples.

Couple A: One of my team members can’t stop talking about the wedding she attended recently in Texas. Her 24-year-old niece tied the knot – cheered on by dozens of other twentysomethings who raved about the couple’s example of devotion to God and each other. To use her words: “You might question whether they ‘should’ get married young … but every person in their inner circle – parents, pastors, siblings, and friends – said this couple was ready to step forward with faith and confidence to the altar.”

Couple B: I know a thirtysomething couple who have been dating since they were in their mid-twenties. They have a child together, are living together, and thus have more reason than most to consider marriage. But they are hesitating. “I’m not sure we’re ready for something that big” she explained to me. “How can we know this will last a lifetime? Better to wait.”

“Should we get married young – or wait until we are older?” As I shared in the previous blog, there’s probably no “right” or “wrong” answer to that specific question. Both marrying young or marrying later can be right and good, and both come with challenges. God has to lead each of us in the unique calling he has for us.

One of the ways young couples can sense His leading is to consider hidden relationship roadblocks – sneaky assumptions that can get in the way – and think, pray about, and talk through them through in advance. Based on our research over the years, here are eight that are very common. Can you make the shift from the “roadblock” assumption to the healthier action? If so, you’re well on your way to the mature outlook that makes a lifelong, happy marriage possible.


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