June 1, 2022

Learn how to be a generous and kind communicator with your spouse. Read more

May 26, 2022

Eight years ago, a terrifying incident changed everything for our family. Our almost 11-year-old son, Luke, had a massive grand mal seizure. Over the next few years, Jeff and I watched as our son struggled. He rarely complained. Read more

May 19, 2022

Your spouse almost certainly deeply cares about and appreciates you. But they won’t live that out perfectly. Read the researched habits for a happy marriage. Read more

May 10, 2022

How often do you hear someone toss out negative comments about the state of marriage today? For example: “Half of marriages end in divorce.” “The pandemic was brutal for marriages.” “Divorce has been rising for years.” “Churchgoers don’t do any better at marriage.” Most conventional wisdom about marriage today is depressing—and yet most of it is also not true! Unfortunately, there are damaging consequences to believing these urban legends. Young couples become more skeptical and more likely to avoid getting... Read more

May 4, 2022

Special note: If you are struggling with Mother’s Day due to any number of complex emotions, I’m sending you a virtual hug. Some of you want so much to have biological children but struggle with infertility. Others have lost children, spouses, or their own mothers. Others wrestle with complicated relationships with their moms or their children. If Mother’s Day is a painful time for you, set this one aside and come back for next week’s blog. We’ll be here waiting... Read more

April 26, 2022

These are three super-simple steps that usually speak to the heart of a “dramatic,” upset person. Read more

April 19, 2022

As Christ followers, we know the ending of our story. Jesus Himself tells us the plot: we will have trouble in this world, but He has overcome the world! (John 16:33) Read more

April 12, 2022

Here are three common ways we must replace fiction with truth so we we can purposefully replace the wrong approaches and expectations with the right ones. Read more

April 5, 2022

Many of our kids, to some degree or another, have been hearing our warnings about bad choices and heeding them. Read more

March 29, 2022

I wanted to update you on my excitement about that and some of the other key things I’m enjoying now that I’ve re-entered human society! Read more

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