Like an (Actual) Virgin

Like an (Actual) Virgin October 21, 2014

I love Sister Cristina. The clip of her reducing J-Ax to tears on The Voice is one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen. That being said, I’m not entirely sure how I feel about this:

I wanted to like it really, really badly. When I saw the post from Deacon Greg, I was ready to love it in ALL CAPS! But then I watched the video, and I just felt kinda…meh.

It’s not that it’s scandalizing (because it’s not), it just doesn’t seem quite up to par with what she’s capable of as a singer. And that disappoints me.  It makes me think the song was chosen for the Electric Scandal Factor, not because it was a good song to showcase her singing.

But I watched it again just now, since I didn’t want to be unfair and/or obtuse, and…I’m not sure. I think maybe I’m wrong, and a quiet hymn-like prayer song (even if it’s a cover of “Like a Virgin”) is the perfect way for her to show the world that she is, first and foremost, a consecrated nun. It may not have vocal fireworks, but it’s really quite pretty.

What do you think? Someone who knows something about music and/or singing, deconstruct this for me!

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