New Scandal: The IRS Harasses People Who Adopt

New Scandal: The IRS Harasses People Who Adopt May 29, 2013

Believe it or not, there’s another scandal with the IRS.  Did you hear that they were targeting TEA party groups?  Well, it was just discovered that they have also been harassing adoptive families:

As we get word that the IRS has harassed a number of pro-life groups, including at least one alleged demand that a pro-life group not picket Planned Parenthood, check out this statistic: In 2012, the IRS requested additional information from 90 percent of returns claiming the adoption tax credit and went on to actually audit 69 percent.

So, if you don’t adopt, you’re chance of being audited is roughly 1%.  If you adopt, it’s 69%.

Why would they target adoptive families, even though the fraud rate is 0%?

Fill in your own blanks.  Or, read one pretty good theory here.

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