Students at Univ. of California Ban the American Flag, because It’s…. What?

Students at Univ. of California Ban the American Flag, because It’s…. What? March 20, 2015

American flag Only in America. And sadly, I mean that in a very negative sense. In what other country would a state-funded school ban their own flag?? Yet that’s just what happened at the University of California, Irvine campus. Members of the student government decided to ban the American flag from their lobby because it might offend international students. Get this – they said our national flag represented xenophobia, racism, colonialism, and imperialism. Banning it and any other flags would make the campus a more “culturally inclusive” place. And worse, some faculty members signed their statement! Wait – what country is this school in? The United States. Where do they get funding? Taxes paid by Californian and US taxpayers. In their attempt to be “inclusive,” they banned the most ‘inclusive’ symbol our nation has. America is the “melting pot” of the world, a place that anyone can come and get a new start and experience freedom like nowhere else in the world. Why would you ever want to ban that? This student says the administration conditioned students to think this way with their over-emphasis on “diversity” instead of patriotism. As soon as this passed, protests erupted on campus, and people across the nation couldn’t believe what they were hearing in the news. A member of the ROTC program stood guard over the flag since it had been stolen several times. Fortunately, some real student leaders at UC Irvine were smart enough to put a stop to this. But the whole thing shows a lot about the poor state of education and the thinking of young people in our country. God help us if we’re ashamed of our own nation! Read more on the Patheos Faith and Family Channel, fan me on Facebook and follow this blog on Twitter!

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