In an attempt to save her stuffy and unrelatable image, Hillary Clinton went on Jimmy Kimmel this week and discussed what she would call her husband, Bill if she is elected president. Trying so hard to be clever and original, Hillary said she might call Bill the “first dude.”
I am tired of Hillary acting like she has a monopoly on the strong female leader market.
Hillary, you are not the only female leader out there. In fact, there are a TON of other amazing women who are leading this country not by yelling that they are a woman and thus deserve a turn to lead, but instead by actually leading! Take, for example, Governor Susana Martinez of New Mexico, Congresswoman Mia Love, Governor Nikki Haley of South Carolina, or Former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice, just to name a few!
Oh yeah, and my mom.
And, besides, Alaska had a “First Dude” for years – my dad!
I love my mom’s take on what to call Bill.
Check out the photo above to find out!
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