January 31, 2017

Mainline, Western Christianity has long had a problematic understanding of the doctrine of the Trinity. This has played out in various ways, whether it is through the various cults like Mormonism and Jehovah’s Witnesses, or simply due to biblical illiteracy and a painful lack of historical teaching on this doctrine. However, it must be stated: this is certainly not due to a lack of proper teaching on the matter, even when books/movies like The Shack are available. We live in an... Read more

January 30, 2017

Whenever I get into a discussion on homosexuality I almost always encounter the line, “Jesus never spoke about homosexuality.” The pro-homosexuality party uses it as a trump card, as if it utterly shows the Christian view to be inconsistent and wrong. In this article I wish to show two things: first, how even if it were true, the “Jesus never spoke about homosexuality” line utterly fails as an argument; and second, how it is completely false. First, as an argument,... Read more

January 26, 2017

When you hitch your cart of great ideas to a carriage driven by Satan (with Planned Parenthood in passenger seat), it doesn’t matter what you say. You will never be heard over the noisy evil agenda you've found yourself attached to. Read more

January 24, 2017

I write a lot on the sexual ethic. Roughly half of the posts that I have written are in some form or another touching this topic – whether homosexuality, transgenderism, or sexual license in general, and I don’t think that will be settling down any time soon. Yet contrary to the chagrin of many it is one addressed with profundity in the scriptures. The topic of sexuality and idolatry are so closely united within the biblical corpus that it is... Read more

January 23, 2017

Truth be told, it matters very little if one experiences hypocritical Christians when considering if the revelation of the scriptures is truthful. Hypocritical Christians do nothing, in fact, to invalidate the truth claims of scripture. I would move one step further in saying they can’t invalidate the biblical witness. Truth, by nature, is not revoked, invalidated, nor bearing any negative connotations by those who hold to it in word but find themselves abdicating obedience in deed. Those laying burdens upon... Read more

January 19, 2017

At the outset I want to make my purpose in this article clear: I will respond to the claim of Todd White in this video that the cross of Christ is not the revelation of the depth of sin in the sinner but the revelation of the sinners value. I am not making any statement as to whether I believe Todd White is saved or not, that is up to God alone. Nor am I responding to everything White says... Read more

January 15, 2017

In the song “The Silence of God,” Andrew Peterson sings: It’s enough to drive a man crazy, it’ll break a man’s faith It’s enough to make him wonder, if he’s ever been sane When… Heaven’s only answer is the silence of God It’ll shake a man’s timbers when he loses his heart When he has to remember what broke him apart When the crying fields are frozen by the silence of God… What about the times when even followers get... Read more

January 13, 2017

MEDDLE, FL – The First Baptist Church of Meddle is in shock after it was discovered a member of the church created a fake identity for the sole purpose of avoiding serving in the church nursery. Read more

January 12, 2017

A paradox that I find extraordinary is that you will find true godly contentment not by removing the burdens that weigh on you, but by adding to them. Read more

December 31, 2016

I am not suggesting that one replace his whole prayer time with reading prayers or that he give up spontaneous praying in favor of reading prayers, but that he add to those disciplines the practice of reading prayers written by others. I suggest this resolution for the following reasons. Read more

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