December 30, 2016

Anyone who spends just a few minutes on social media lately is bound to find some meme, picture, or post insinuating that the year 2016 has been weird and we should just move on from it and forget it. Read more

December 28, 2016

My father grew up in a poor neighborhood in Pittsburgh, PA called Hazelwood in the 1950’s and ‘60’s. He used to play basketball with a kid from the neighborhood named Freddie Kittell. All the kids thought Freddie was pretty strange because he almost never talked and would often play ball barefoot, even in the winter. Even though he dropped out of high school in the 10th grade, it turns out Freddie was nurturing a rich inner thought life that would... Read more

December 26, 2016

If anyone has not heard by this point, Andy Stanley, being infamous for making some foolish statements about the nature of the church and the scriptures, has done it yet again. Yet the interesting thing here for those paying close attention, is that the recent debacle over him making the claim that Christianity doesn’t hinge off of the biblical account of the virgin birth of Jesus Christ, is really just the outworking of his previous statements. Incidentally, it also mirrors... Read more

December 21, 2016

Mary was the perfect mother for Jesus. Because she was poor and lowly, and willing to be used of God. She was a loser in what most people think is important in life. But, God loved her and blessed her. She would lose everything through this experience, but she would gain everything through God’s plan. Read more

December 20, 2016

There are many things that I have great admiration for, but perhaps one of the things I enjoy the most is seeing a long-awaited, labor of love come to full fruition. The tenacity, hard work, dedication, and pitfalls along the way in seeing something through to the end is something that, for lack of better terms, gets me emotionally invested in a project. Yet not all projects are equal and not all catch my particular attention – but if we’re... Read more

December 19, 2016

MONTPELIER, VERMONT - A local PCUSA church home group, on the south-side of Montpelier, is in shambles this week after their Christmas party was ruined by the reading of the nativity story. Despite 9 years of successful Christmas parties, there are serious doubts if there will be a party next year. Read more

December 17, 2016

Around this time of year, many Christians take time specifically to celebrate the birth of Christ. Yet a number of myths have arisen around the story, ones with no actual basis in Scripture. Without further ado, here are eight of them. Read more

December 14, 2016

Just recently, Ohio legislature moved to pass an abortion ban after the period of six weeks. The bill sat at the hands of John Kasich, who effectively had ten days to sign the bill. Yet Kasich vetoed the heartbeat bill. The Germans have a word for it: schadenfreude. Quite simply, it involves deriving pleasure from another’s misfortune. Incidentally, I do believe, contrary to popular sentiment, that many truly derive a sense of pleasure over the misfortune of those within the womb. To be... Read more

December 9, 2016

There’s a story in the Bible about a guy who lost all of his friends midway through his life. In the book of Exodus, we read about Moses, who grew up in Egypt in a palace as the son of the king’s daughter. As part of the royal family of the most powerful nation on earth, he got the best education and training available. But when he grew up, he realized that he wasn’t an Egyptian by birth. He was a Hebrew, whose mother had given him up for adoption to avoid his being killed. Read more

December 1, 2016

Beyond the absurdity of this witch-hunt themed article, there lies a more underlying problem I see in the liberal media. A fundamental misunderstanding of the word “tolerance”. You’re tolerant up until someone disagrees with you, then you’re at risk of being publicly branded homophobic. That’s not tolerance, that’s bigotry! Read more

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