Watch Gupta’s Downey Lectures on “Strange Religion” (Recordings)

Watch Gupta’s Downey Lectures on “Strange Religion” (Recordings) October 16, 2020

2020 Downey Lectures, Ambrose University

I had the massive privilege of giving two public lectures (via Zoom to Youtube) for the Downey Lectureship at Ambrose University. Special thanks to my hosts, Dr. Beth Stovell, Dr. Joann Badley, and Dr. Ryan Wilkinson. We had great academic engagement after the lectures and my respondents (Stovell and Wilkinson) gave me fresh angles and new material to think about. I know that the lectures were in the evening for PST/MST, so quite late for CST and EST. So, I imagine some of you were hoping it was recorded—it was! See below for Youtube links.

Lecture 1 (Oct 14, 2020): “People of Faith: Why the First Christians Called Themselves ‘Believers'”


Lecture 2 (Oct 15, 2020): “Cult without Smoke and Blood: How the First Christians Worshipped”


Lecturer Interview

Dr. Stovell did an interview with me about why I chose this topic, and we also talked a lot about life in biblical scholarship. It was really fun and I hope you will find it interesting.

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