7 Things All Men Need MORE Than Sex

7 Things All Men Need MORE Than Sex December 1, 2017

5. He needs time for quiet REFLECTION (but this can’t become an excuse to totally disconnect and push loved ones away).

A man needs to reflect. He needs to process things. He needs to decompress from the chaos of life through being in nature or just sitting in his favorite chair and doing nothing at all. The reflection time renews our minds, clarifies our goals, recharges our bodies and replenishes our souls. This is an actual need, BUT some men take this need way too far by becoming disconnected from their family. Men, I get that you need this, but if you’re in a season of life with kids in the home, your family needs you to be present and engaged even more than you need the quiet time. I’d encourage you to get up early and have some time to start the day with stillness, but then by engaged the rest of the day for those who need you and love you.

#6 reveals one of the biggest struggles most men face… 

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