They call the units “caravans” and they are little more than 8 x 15 hard shell metal boxes with a window. Set up like a miniature trailer park, children play and women huddle in groups while men tell stories. But for these 82 Iraqi refugees, this will never be home.
She tilted her head as she recounted that fateful day more than a year ago.
“We left everything behind. I assumed it would be just for a day or two or a week. I never imagined we would end up here. I never imagined we would leave for good.”
Her name is Ahlaam and she lives in a caravan with her husband and three children. Her name means “dreams” and she lives it out every day.
It’s cramped, but safely away from the threats they left, and for that she is thankful.
We had a good life
Her children, ages 15, 13, and 10, have resumed school and for that she is grateful to have some structure. Like any Mom, she looks over at her children and preens, bragging on their grades and their aptitude scores. There are two older children who already left home and are safely living in the West.
The family home was in the village of Qaraqosh, near Mosul Iraq. ISIS was at the city’s edge and the Kurds were fighting them off. Ordinance from both sides often fell in their neighborhood.
One of the bombs fell near their home, killing three people including Ahlaam’s cousin. Then the Kurds withdrew, leaving the beleaguered city to the terrorists. It was then they decided to leave.
It’s humbling for the family to live in these conditions. Ahlaam’s husband was a flooring specialist, laying ceramic tile. “We had a good life. We lived in a castle. Now the rain comes through our roof.”
But she’s grateful for the food and housing provided by Caritas, the Catholic Relief organization. But after a year, living in such limiting conditions is taking a toll.
What’s next?
“It is impossible for us to go back. We gave up on Iraq,” she said.
It’s not just ISIS they fear.
Her husband served as an interpreter for U.S. forces in the past and while living in Mosul was threatened with his life. A friend who had provided similar services was murdered.
According to Ahlaam, Christians who still remain in Mosul are denied wages and work.
“So, we are looking for immigration.”
They have been interviewed twice by the U.N.
“All they told us was to wait,” said Ahlaam. “I don’t care. Any country. I just want to settle down.
“I don’t care about my lands and home, as long as the children are safe, “she said. “I’m grateful to Jesus for taking us out of the situation. “
Pray for your enemies
I asked if after all this time if she was doubting God.
She shook her head. “No, my faith is getting stronger.”
I asked her if she was angry at the people who scattered her 8 brothers and sisters, who forced them to leave their home.
“Jesus said, ‘People will persecute you in my name,’” she said without thinking. “And he also told us to pray for our enemies. So I pray that God will rescue all the Christians in Iraq. And I pray for Daesh that their hearts will change.”
May this woman of Dreams see them come true.
Telling #RefugeeStories
This story is part of a series written after a journey to Jordan in October where I met with Syrian and Iraqi Christian Refugees. Please read and consider sharing each of them.
Kneejerk: The Paris killings are bad for Christian refugees
ISIS interrupted their wedding plans, but not their love
Syrian Refugee: “Whenever I look in my baby’s face, I think of home”
Family of five: We pray for ISIS
Nowhere to go: Refugee families escaped persecution, but cannot escape captivity
This Syrian family is looking for home
The straw that broke the camel’s back
Ancient town finds revival because of Syrian refugees
Miracles in the Middle East: Is there hope in the Chaos?
A Christian (and sane) response to the Middle East refugee crisis
How you can help
You can help by sharing each of the stories above by email, Facebook or Twitter. This is not to build any kind of personal following, but to help these stories somehow, someway reach the right people who can change the face of the refugee crisis. There is power in a simple click. You can also subscribe here to receive all the future posts and I ask that you share them broadly as well.
There are many opportunities for attention and money, but I want to remind you what the Apostle Paul said.
“So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, but especially to those who are of the household of faith.”
Many of these people stood up for their faith under the threat of death. And as a body of believers, we need to rush to their side, to remind them that they are not alone. We do not do this by condemning Islam. Painting broad strokes of fear does not help in any way and only serves to isolate the innocent from Christian love. The enemies are those who terrorize, in any name.
Please share this message with your friends, as this is a chance to give real, immediate aid to those on the front lines without any bureaucracy or middlemen.
You can also give online here. Under Missionary/Project Name, “Madaba – Refugee Fund”
Checks can go to Team Expansion, POB 91294, Louisville, KY 40291, memo line, “Refugee Fund”
I would also encourage you to become a regular supporter of these people who are working every single day on behalf of the gospel for the sake of Syrian and Iraqi refugees. I’ve seen how they use money and how they live and I’m a believer that this is a worthy cause.