April 5, 2020

Palm Sunday's 'Hosanna' takes on a new meaning when facing the coronavirus epidemic. What it means to be 'Hosanna people' in the age of COVID-19. Read more

April 3, 2020

I already teach online, so I should be used to using Zoom non-stop during the COVID-19 crisis, right? Actually, I’m learning that there are limits. Here are 6 tips for avoiding videoconference burn-out. Read more

April 1, 2020

It is uncanny that on this 50th anniversary of Earth Day, Earth is finally getting its Jubilee Year, its sabbath. The coronavirus is slowing us down, stopping us in our tracks, giving us a chance to make different choices moving forward. Read more

February 29, 2020

Meet Corina Newsome, a black, millennial, Evangelical, zoologist/biologist whose work focuses on connecting faith, science, climate action, education, and conservation.  Read more

February 28, 2020

Dr. Natasha DeJarnett reflects on climate, public health, and the intersections of race and pollution. “My work informs policy. This means I educate.” Read more

February 27, 2020

Rev. Lennox Yearwood reflects on the power of faith to address the intersections of race and justice within the climate movement. Read more

February 25, 2020

Rev. Dr. Gerald Durley, a veteran of both the Civil Rights Movement and the Climate Movement. “It is a God-ordained civil right for everyone to have the benefit of clean water and of air free of pollutants." Read more

February 24, 2020

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of our Lenten journey.  It is a time to return to that from which we were made—earth and the breath of God. Read more

February 23, 2020

On Transfiguration Sunday, divinity touches humanity.  Transcendence touches immanence.  Love touches fear. Read more

February 21, 2020

The Transfiguration of Jesus asks us: what kind of church shall we be in the midst of a divisive society pulling us in so many directions? Using a ‘dialogical lens’ to read and interpret this text can offer insight. Read more

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